Helping You to Get Healthier

We all know we should stay healthy by exercising, eating better and by stopping smoking. Easier said than done! Here is a little encouragement.


Motion is Lotion!  One of the best ways to reduce arthritic pain in the knees, hip or back is to get out of your chair and start moving.  Movement hydrates and nourishes the cartilage, ligaments and discs, helping to keep them healthy. A daily walk, bicycling, swimming, using an elliptical fitness machine are all good choices. Yoga, Pilates or other types of strengthening activities all will help not only reduce arthritis pain but also will aid in dropping any extra pounds.  Check out the Mayo Clinic website.   –In the search window enter  “Fitness Basics”

Dropping those extra pounds

Did you know that losing just five to ten pounds can dramatically reduce the stresses on your hips, knees and ankles, easing arthritis pain and delay the need for joint replacement surgery.  Every pound you lose takes four to eight pounds of stress off the knee.  While that will not halt the long-term progression of your arthritis, it can certainly make your life more comfortable.  The Mayo Clinic website has helpful information.   –In the search window enter “Weight Loss”

Before beginning a weight loss or exercise program check with your primary care physician.

  Smoking Cessation

If you are like many smokers and other tobacco users, you know you should quit — you just are not sure how to do it. Creating a quit-smoking plan may improve your chances of stopping for good. Having a plan helps prepare you for coping with the physical and emotional issues that often arise when you stop smoking.  The Mayo Clinic website has helpful tips and plans to get you started to a healthier you.   –In the search window enter “Smoking Cessation”